
Why Illinois Doesn’t Have Common Law Marriage
Posted June 03, 2024

Common law marriage, a form of relationship recognition that does not rely on formal ceremonies or legal documents, still exists in a few U.S. states but is not recognized in Illinois. This absence can lead to significant legal and social implications for couples who cohabit long-term without a formal marriage. Illinois law requires that all […]

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Navigating Property Division In An Illinois Divorce Settlement
Posted May 20, 2024

Divorce is a significant life event that often involves the division of marital property. In the state of Illinois, specific laws govern how assets and liabilities are distributed during divorce proceedings. Understanding these laws is crucial for individuals going through a divorce to ensure a fair and equitable property division. Let’s now discuss the complexities […]

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Moving On: Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce In Illinois 
Posted May 13, 2024

Divorce marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. In Illinois, where the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (750 ILCS 5/) governs the dissolution of marriages, moving on after divorce involves more than just emotional healing—it requires understanding legal considerations and rebuilding your life. Here we will discuss the process […]

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Common Mistakes To Avoid In An Illinois Divorce
Posted May 06, 2024

The dissolution of a marriage is complicated, and in the state of Illinois, where specific laws govern the process, it can be particularly complex. From property division to spousal support and child custody arrangements, there are numerous factors to consider. As experienced Illinois divorce attorneys, we understand the common mistakes individuals can make during an […]

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