Oak Park Child Support Attorneys
Child support is a critical family law issue for parents going through a divorce. Whether you are the residential parent with the most parenting time or a non-custodial parent with the burden of paying child support, you have the responsibility of meeting the financial, emotional, and basic needs of your children. Illinois courts consider the guidelines of child support as laid out in the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA), and determine the right amount of payments that are sufficient to fulfill the essential needs of your children. You can benefit greatly from the intervention of a knowledgeable and experienced child support attorney who can effectively advocate your position. The attorneys at Gordon & Perlut, LLC have been representing clients in Oak Park and surrounding areas of Chicago, Illinois for over 20 years in child support matters, including determinations, enforcement, and modifications.
Child Support Calculations in the Light of Updated Illinois Laws
Beginning July 1, 2017, new guidelines for child support determination are being used in Illinois. Previously, child support was calculated using the percentage model where the income of the non-custodial parent and the number of children was used as the basis of determination, along with a long list of factors. Now, the income shares model is in effect, and it takes into account several factors, such as:
- The number of children
- The net income of both parents
- The amount of parenting time allocated to each parent by the court
- Basic child support obligation
- Any previous child support obligations
- Additional expenses of the child(ren)
Just like in the percentage model, an income shares schedule has been designed that allows courts to easily calculate child support based on both parents’ combined net income and the number of children.
At Gordon & Perlut, LLC, we stay updated with the recent developments in Illinois laws. This allows us to provide precise, effective legal advice to clients and navigate through the legal system in order to achieve their goals and protect their rights and interests. We maintain a transparent client-attorney relationship and keep clients informed about their case at every stage of the process.
Talk to an Experienced Oak Park Child Support Attorney Today
At Gordon & Perlut, LLC, we know how delicate child support matters can be for parents. Our Oak Park attorneys work closely with you to understand your situation and make sure that the best interests of your children as well as yours are secured during the determination of child support. For skilled legal counsel, you may contact the Law Offices of Gordon & Perlut, LLC today at 312.360.0250 or use our online form to schedule an initial consultation and discuss your case with our child support attorneys. We have offices in downtown Chicago and Skokie, Illinois.