Do Unmarried Fathers Have Parental Rights in Illinois?
By: Gordon & Perlut, LLC
Children generally do better when they have both parents playing an active and engaged role in their lives. In the case of divorce, parenting time arrangements are included in legal proceedings. Unfortunately, when the parents are unmarried, asserting the father’s rights in Illinois can prove far more challenging. Our child custody lawyers in Chicago acts as strong legal advocates on your behalf in this situation and explain what you need to know about the process.
Proving Paternity In Illinois
In cases where a married couple has children, the father’s name is automatically added to the child’s birth certificate. This protects the father’s rights in the event of a divorce. Based on all of the various factors involved, they may then be entitled to physical custody, visitation, and legal custody, which is the right to make important decisions on the child’s behalf.
For unmarried parents, proving paternity is generally the first step in protecting the father’s rights. The Illinois Department of Public Health advises that there are two general options available:
Defending Father’s Rights In Chicago
Once paternity is established either through a voluntary acknowledgment or a court order, the father’s rights are protected under the Illinois Statutes. This means that the father has the right to Petition to Court to be included in child time-sharing arrangements and to participate in creating a parenting plan, which details the following:
It is important to note that in addition to protecting fathers’ rights in Illinois, establishing paternity also means assuming certain responsibilities. This includes the obligation to make child support payments if warranted. The court will consider numerous factors in determining who owes child support, an amount fair to both parties, including their current income, earning potential, and any other children they have.
Contact Our Child Custody Lawyer In Chicago Today
At Gordon & Perlut, LLC., we provide the trusted legal guidance clients need when dealing with issues pertaining to paternity and fathers’ rights in Illinois. To discuss your case, call Gordon & Perlut, LLC. to meet with a child custody attorney in Chicago during a free consultation.