If you are a parent of an older child or teenager, you probably are already considering how to pay for their college expenses. College tuition and related expenses rise yearly across the country and paying for it all can stress parents. However, when you are married, there is no legal obligation to pay for your child’s college costs.
But, if you get a divorce or were not married to the other parent, you should know that you could be court-ordered to contribute to your child’s college expenses. You should understand the complexities of Illinois law regarding providing financial support for your child in college. If you have questions about paying for your child’s college after you get divorced, our Chicago and Skokie family law attorneys can be reached at (312) 360-0250.
After a divorce, the Illinois family court could require both parents to pay a share of the child’s college education expenses. Also, in certain cases, the child could be required to contribute a portion. However, how much each person needs to contribute to college expenses depends on several factors. They include:
The court could order each parent to pay more if the child needs significant financial resources to attend college, including room, board, and tuition.
If one parent has more money and assets than the other, the court may order that party to pay more for college costs. Generally, the court will review both parents’ income and related financial resources to decide how much each will pay.
In many situations, the Cook County / Skokie family law court will review whether the student receives financial aid, how many loans they have, and any college savings accounts. Also, the child must have at least a C average in college. After the child turns 23, the financial obligations for the parents end, other than in situations where the college educational needs of the child have been delayed, such as for military service. If that is the case, education payments could continue until they are 25.
State law requires parents to contribute to a child’s college tuition and housing, food, supplies, books, and medical expenses during the college years. Because the child may live in private accommodation, on campus, or at home, the cost associated with these expenses can vary. Also, the law does not just address college and university education; the parents also could be ordered to pay for vocational school, trade school, and related types of career training.
Illinois law states that just because parents are getting divorced, this does not mean that the child should not receive a college education. For legal representation in child support, paying for college, and related matters, speak to our Skokie family law attorneys at Gordon & Perlut, LLC today. Please call (312) 360-0250 for a confidential consultation. Our attorneys understand that when it comes to divorce law, we must dig deep into the facts to ensure that all parties pay what they should for the child’s college expenses.